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rather than的用法 和instead of的区别

2024-05-04 13:24:29文/宋艳平

rather than 可以和would,had连用,构成 would/had rather... than...

结构,含义是“宁可……也不……”。侧重表示句子主语或说话人的主观愿望。than前面表肯定含义,后面表示否定意义。rather than用作连词,连接两个平行结构。

rather than的用法 和instead of的区别

rather than的用法

1.rather than 可以作连词(conjunction),就是连接两个句子时将两个句子中的相同部分省略掉。

例如:I read a book. / I lisen to music.

用rather than 连接:I read a book rather than listen to music.

省略相同部分:相同主语 I 。

当两个句子包含相同的主语和谓语动词的时候,用rather than连接就省略主语和动词:

例如:I drink coffee rather than (I drink) tea.

2.rather than 作介词preposition:

Rather than driving, he rode his bike to work.

she took the blame rather than blaming everyone else.

注意: 当rather than 做连词,可以分开使用,因为rather 是副词,than 是连词,所以 rather 可以放在前面:

I'd rather prefer to play basketball than fooball.

但rather than 作介词,是个整体,不能分开使用:

Rather than driving, he rode his bike to work.

rather than和instead of的区别

“rather than”和“instead of”的区别主要在于它们后面所接词语的用法和在句子中的语法角色。以下是详细信息:

“instead of”通常被视为介词短语,其中的“of”是介词,因此它后面通常接名词、代词或动名词。例如,“instead of eating out, we decided to cook at home”意味着“我们决定在家做饭而不是出去吃饭”。

“rather than”则更多地被视为连词,用于连接两个在形式上需要一致的成分,无论是名词、代词还是动词的各种形式。例如,“rather than complaining, she decided to do something about it”意味着“她决定采取行动而不是抱怨”。

rather than的造句

1. He chose to study medicine rather than engineering.


2. I would rather have a cup of tea than a glass of wine.


3. She would rather stay at home and read a book than go to the party.


4. He is a perfectionist, he would rather do things himself than trust others.


5. I’d rather be single than be in a bad relationship.

