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be careful with和be careful of的区别是什么

2023-10-26 10:03:05文/宋艳平

be careful with和be careful of的区别是用法、意思的不同。be careful with强调的是做事情要认真,强调对...认真,细心,小心(比较褒义)。be careful of是注意、小心,后接名词,动名词或从句。

be careful with和be careful of的区别是什么

be careful with和be careful of的区别


1、be careful with:be careful with表示做某事时很小心或仔细的意思。

2、be careful of:be careful of表示当心、留意等意思。


1、be careful with:后接名词或动名词。

2、be careful of:后接名词、动名词或从句。


1、be careful with:侧重强调的是做事情要认真,强调对什么认真,细心,小心(比较褒义)。

2、be careful of:侧重强调的是注意、小心。

be careful with和be careful of的例句

1、Do be careful with this feature, however.

2、I told you to be careful with the likes of Gerry Hutch.

3、The concept of frugality is to be careful with your money.

4、We have to be careful with him and we have been talking with the doctor and the fitness coach Paco.

5、It has much better integrity than optimistic locking but requires you to be careful with your application design to avoid Deadlocks.

6、Our teachers and parents will be careful of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.

7、Happy days can be fun, but we should pay attention to safety, be careful of joy and sorrow.

8、These products don't belong to dangerous goods, so they can be transported as normal chemicals. But be careful of Leakage.

9、He's received text messages from listeners cautioning him to be careful of what he says on the air.

10、We must be careful of those who are not in the right way. We must also be alert. We must not be greedy about money.
