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at the end of和by the end of的区别 英语词组有什么不同

2023-10-20 08:37:18文/勾子木

at the end of和by the end of的区别:at the end of意为“在……结束时、在……的尽头”,可用以指时间或处所,强调一段时间的结束点或某段路程的终止处。by the end of意为“到……末为止”,后可跟过去时间与过去完成时连用,也可跟将来时间,而与将来时连用。

at the end of和by the end of的区别 英语词组有什么不同

at the end of和by the end of的区别


1、at the end of意思是在…末端;到…尽头。

2、by the end of意思是到…时为止;在…之前。


1、at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,也可以用来表示比喻。

2、by the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。

at the end of和by the end of造句

at the end of

1、He parted with us at the end of the trip.

2、This point is developed further at the end of this chapter.

3、There is a shop at the end of this lane.

by the end of

1、We have learned 4000 English words by the end of this week。

2、They had finished their work by the end of last year。

3、We will have finished the building by the end of next month。
