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2023-03-24 09:41:14文/董玉莹




1. In the past 63 years, Wu Mengchao had saved thousands and thousands of lives. We _____ praise him too much.

A. must B. can't C. can D. mustn't

2. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Remember, kites rise highest _________ the wind, not with it.

A. against B. above C. across D. along

3. The museum _________ next month to celebrate the Science & Technology Festival.

A. is decorated B. will decorate C. is decorating D. will be decorated

4. --- I hear that Covid-19 has influenced students' decisions to study abroad.

--- Exactly. Some of them said they would not feel safe ________ there were fewer Covid patients.

A. if B. after C. because D. unless

5. --- Our graduation party will be on June 28.

---That's wonderful! Could you tell me _________ ?

A. if all of our teachers joined us B. where will it be held

C. who will give the performances D. that we should wear school uniforms

6. The population who come to this district is becoming _________ and the cost of living here is getting higher.

A. less B. fewer C. larger D. more

7. --- Gu Ailing and Su Yiming really have a gift for skiing!

--- Exactly. But if you learn more about them, they _________ to be hard - working people.

A. turn out B. put out C. run out D. stay out

8. --- I can't understand what Kangkang said about the math problem.

--- _________ . Let's ask the teacher for help.

A. So did I B. So can I C. Neither can I D. Neither did I

9. The astronauts in Shenzhou-13 had real-time _________ with the ground classrooms in five cities to spread knowledge of space to the young people.

A. conclusion B. competition C. contribution D. communication

10. --- Many people say the temperature in East China this spring is just like a roller coaster.

--- _________ . What changeable weather!

A. Not exactly. B. I can't agree more C. I'm afraid not D. That's not the case



You could see mountains, craters and valleys if you looked at the Moon through a telescope(望远

镜). Galileo was the first person to see these things through a telescope. He is 11 as the father of modem science. Galileo was great not only for his 12 , but for the scientific methods he developed.

Galileo did not invent the telescope. It was first made by a Dutchman in 1608 and later Galileo

13 the design. So he was able to study the stars and planets 14 . Some people call him the first astronomer(天文学家). His telescope made things appear larger by much more times.

As he studied the sky, Galileo 15 that the planets circle around the sun. He was not the first

person to believe this, but he was the first to prove details of this fact. People of that time believed that the Earth was the 16 of the universe(宇宙) and everything in space moved around the Earth. Galileo got into trouble with the government for saying that what they believed was 17 . He had to take back what he said, or he would be in prison.

Galileo's work went 18 an astronomer. He was an inventor as well. He made the first

thermometer(温度计). His thermometer didn't tell the temperatures exactly, 19 it could show if a temperature was higher or lower or the same as another temperature.

Galileo thought about the world in a 20 way. Before Galileo, people did not run experiments or test out their ideas. He is one of the first real scientists.

11. A. realized B. designed C. considered D. encouraged

12. A. dreams B. introductions C. discoveries D. instructions

13. A. recorded B. improved C. presented D. invented

14. A. calmly B. closely C. nearly D. gently

15. A. proved B. hoped C. promised D. imagined

16. A. part B. comer C. surface D. centre

17. A. true B. useful C. wrong D. common

18. A. after B. across C. through D. beyond

19. A. so B. and C. but D. since

20. A. new B. usual C. narrow D. difficult




Let's take a look at some popular children's books from USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list.

21. What can The Giving Tree teach kids?

A. To be honest. B. To be brave. C. To be generous. D. To be strong-minded.

22. What do Where the Wild Things Are and The Polar Express have in common?

A. They were both made into films.

B. They are both about Christmas trips.

C. The films made from them both won prizes.

D. They both have a history of more than 60 years.


''True friendship is like sound health. The value of it is seldom known until it is lost," Charles

Caleb Colton said. Just like in any other relationship, arguments and fights are also part of friendship. You will hardly find fiends who have never fought with one another. Whatever the reason is, if a person feels that he is responsible for causing the differences, it is important that he should say sorry to his friend.

Though you can use the email, text messages or chat for expressing your apology, the good old

way of saying sorry to your friend through a letter will surely have a great effect on him. This will make your friend realize that your efforts of saying sorry are genuine and that you really care about him.

Points to Remember:

Timing: Write the letter at the proper time. It is not advisable to put it off for too long.

Words: While you are writing the letter, what matters most is that you truly feel sorry.

Sequence (顺序): Always begin by apologizing and saying sorry for your mistake. Then explain

to him your side of the story. In the third and last paragraph, talk about what his friendship means to you and make a promise of not repeating the mistake.

Delivery: You should either post the letter or deliver it personally or through someone else. You

can also keep it at a location where your friend will be able to find it easily.

Some people may try to point out the fiends mistake while writing the letter. Avoid this

completely, as it can make matters worse. The letter has to be brief and should only talk about the subject that has led to your apology. Keep patient and do not expect immediate results. In some cases, it may take time for the person to forgive and forget.

23. What is the author's purpose of mentioning the saying in the first paragraph?

A. To let readers study the famous saying. B. To introduce the topic of the passage.

C. To show who is Charles Caleb Colton. D. To tell readers the importance of health.

24. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "genuine"?

A. true B. general C. open D. careful

25. What is the best way to apologize to others?

A. Sending an email. B. Sending text messages.

C. Writing a letter. D. Chatting online.


My father and I were both angry. "Never set foot in this house again! "shouted my father. With

tears in my eyes, I rushed out to the street.

I walked aimlessly. A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me I seemed to see

my childhood from another space: happy.

But now. I don't know whether it is because I have grown up or because my dad is getting old.

We have different ways of thinking. He always puts his opinions on me. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

I walked in the streets. My heart was cold on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were

fewer and fewer people in the streets, until I had only the street lights with me. When I finally reached the building where I lived, I saw that the light was still on.

I thought to myself: "Is my father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me? "

In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, my dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he

thought they were useless. I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps. All the lights were off except my father's.

Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn't know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he

never showed any moments of regret. However, after an argument he has the habit of tucking me underneath the covers while I am sleeping.

This was how he always was. He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to

do has become his second nature.

The light was still on. "Am I wrong? "I whispered, maybe … With the key in my hand, I was as

nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that there wasn't the iron door that I had imagined between us at all. Love--- it’s second to none.

26. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The father didn't like his son's stamp collecting.

B. The son and his father needed communication.

C. The father opened the door for the son when he came hack

D. The boy fully understood why he and his father had different thinking.

27. Which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage?

a. I opened the door and entered the house.

b. Sadly I ran out into the street.

c. I reached the place where I lived and saw my home still brightly lit.

d. I thought of my father's kindness towards me.

e. I walked about in the street without any aim.

A. b, e, c, d, a B. b, e, d, c, a C. b, e, a, c, d D. b, e, c, a, d

28. What conclusion can you come to after reading the passage?

A. The father treats his son in an unfair way.

B. The father is neither kind nor rude to his son.

C. The father loves his son very much in fact.

D. The father is always finding his son wrong.


Phil Wise's heart raced as he opened one of the transport tubes. He and a team of scientists

stepped back as a young Tasmanian devil (袋獾) named Oddity came out. Oddity took a cautious look around and then ran into the forest on Maria Island.

Wise is a wildlife scientist from the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program. The scientists working

with this program study Tasmanian devils, monitor their health, and track the devils found in the wild. Oddity and 14 others were raised in a reserve and then brought to Maria Island to be released (释放) into the wild. Though they are raised in zoos all over the world, devils live wild only in Tasmania. They are important to the ecosystem(生态系统) because they eat dead animals they find, which helps clean up the environment. Devils also eat animals such as wallabies, wombats, and possums, helping to keep those populations balanced.

But a cancer. called Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD) is killing devils on mainland Tasmania,

endangering the species. The goal of the scientists who released-Oddity and the others was to create a population of disease-free Tasmanian devils on Maria Island. Oddity is a part of this "insurance population" of devils raised in zoos and wildlife reserves. This means if the facial disease causes the Tasmanian devils to die out in the wild, devils like Oddity can be sent back into disease-free areas of Tasmania, giving devils a chance to survive.

The scientists chose Maria Island for the release because there is no DFTD there. It is separated

from mainland Tasmania by the ocean. Devils from the rest of Tasmania can't get there, which prevents the facial disease from spreading. Oddity started his new life on Maria Island. Life on this island off the coast of Tasmania was a big change for Oddity and the others. These devils had little experience with other kinds of animals and had to explore the land and find new bones. Wise and his fellow scientists monitored Oddity and the 14 other Tasmanian devils. The animals did so well that 13 more devils were released. The 28 original Tasmanian devils have reproduced; there are now around 80 devils. They are doing well on Maria Island, and the plan is considered a success.

Wise says he is "extremely happy to know that animals are getting a chance to be free in the wild

in an area that is free of DFTD. It is the ultimate aim of all who work to conserve endangered species."

29. Why did Wise and his team release the Tasmanian devils like Oddity to Maria Island?

A. To find out a treatment of DFTD.

B. To create a population of disease-free Tasmanian devils.

C. To track the devils found in the wild.

D. To monitor their health.

30. What probably made Maria Island chosen for the release?

A. Its rich wildlife. B. Its improved ecosystem.

C. Its natural resources. D. Its geographic location.

31. How was the released Tasmanian devils' life?

A. Their safety was uncertain. B. Their number was going up.

C. They hardly enjoyed freedom. D. They got well again from DFTD.

32. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How to raise Tasmanian devils. B. A disease attacking Tasmanian devils.

C. A program to save Tasmanian devils. D. What is Tasmanian devils.



More Chinese universities are opening their libraries to the public, allowing people to enjoy

reading during normal time and the vacations.

33 Wang Ling, a student in Sun Yat-sen University is one of them. "Members of the public

come to our libraries more for sightseeing than reading, "said Wang." They sometimes even bring their kids along, and take photos as if it were a place of interest." 34 Being short of space is a common problem for university libraries in China.

However, this is not the only reason why students dislike their libraries being open to members of the public. 35 Chen Jie, 18, a student in Tongji University, is one. who would be against opening to the public. ‘I have been to a public library before. People were chatting loudly or speaking on cell phone so you can hardly read," Chen said. She notices teachers doing serious reading and feels their concentration has influenced her. "If too many strangers stay here, the whole library will be a noisy place and it's difficult for us to study quietly," she said.

36 Some experts consider that university libraries can prevent the public from entering certain

areas." We might keep magazines for academic research only for teachers and students," said Zhu Lina, library director in Jinan University.

37 "It's possible that a member of the public can order a book in our library over the Internet.

We'll send it to a public library close to their home." Ge Jianxiong, the library director in Fudan University said.



38. Have you considered _________ (比较) the two models? Maybe you’ll change your mind.

39. Play while you play, and work _________ (努力地) while you work.

40. Some firefighters lost their lives in the terrible fire. They are _________ (英雄) in our heart.

41. My dad has _________ (驾车) to the hospital to visit his friend.

42. The police are checking the scene to find out the _________ (原因) of his death.

43. It's freezing here. I guess it is b_________ zero.

44. People may have difficulty t_________ some hot words such as neijuan and fanersai into English.

45. I use the short-wave radio to get the l_________ news so that I can know what is happening around the world.

46. The boy is treated so badly by his relatives that we cannot help but take p_________ on him.

47. Her mother is s_________ with her, hoping that she can be the top student in the school.


A boy lost his left arm in 48 accident, but he didn’t give up his life. When he was eleven years

old, he 49 (decide) to study judo (柔道) from an old great judo coach. The boy was doing well, but after three 50 (month) training, he found that the coach had told him only one action. "Sir" the boy 51 (final) said, "Shouldn’t I learn more actions?" "This is the only move you know, but this is the only action you'll ever need to know." the coach replied. 52 quite understanding, but believing in his coach, the boy kept 53 (practise).

Several weeks later, the coach took the boy to a competition. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his 54 (one) two matches and came to the finals. This time, his opponent (对手) was bigger, 55 (strong) and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be defeated (打败), 56 soon his opponent made a big mistake--- he lost his guard. Immediately, the boy used his move to defeat his opponent and won the competition. He was the champion.

The coach told the boy 57 the way home that he taught him the only action in order to let his

greatest weakness become his greatest strength.


Paying for bus rides with plastic usually makes people think of plastic bus cards. But one

Indonesian city has decided to accept plastic recyclable waste in place of money for city buses.

Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city, located on the eastern end of the country’s main island Java, made this decision in April, 2018. Now, locals can pay for their bus rides by putting plastic cups or bottles directly on the bus. A two-hour bus ride costs 10 plastic cups or 5 bottles.

Indonesia is the second largest ocean plastic polluter, producing up to 2.4 million tons of plastic waste into the oceans every year according to a report. Only in Surabaya nearly 400 tons of plastic

waste is produced every day. The head of Surabaya’s transportation department said," With this decision, we hope to raise public awareness about environment, especially people’s awareness about plastic waste."

Each city bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic bottles and cups every day. The collected

bottles are sold to recycling companies and the money earned from it goes toward running the bus companies and providing money for green spaces in the city. This is certainly turning rubbish into a national treasure.

The decision is part of the city's purpose to become plastic waste-free by 2020. In order to

encourage local people to take buses, the city also added the new Suroboyo buses. The new buses are air-conditioned, comfortable and easy for elderly and disabled passengers to get on and off.

The programme is well received. People in Surabaya said," We can reduce waste so it doesn’t

pile up at home because we can make good use of it. It is a win-win situation."

This type of programme can be a model for other cities worldwide and encourage citizens to

recycle their plastic waste.

58. How much plastic waste does a two-hour bus ride cost?

59. What are the new Suroboyo buses like?

60. Do you think this programme in Surabaya is useful? Why?


受新冠疫情(pandemic)影响,本学期进行了很长一段时间的线上课程,在网课期间一定发生了让你难忘的事情,比如和家长发生冲突、沉迷于电子产品、因疫情被封闭(be locked down)或隔离…

请以“An unforgettable experience”为题写一篇短文,讲述你在网课期间的一次难忘的经历,




An unforgettable experience





11-15 CCBBA 16-20 DCDCA


21-22 CA 23-25 BAC 6-28 BAC 29-32 BDBC




38 comparing 39 hard 40 heroes 41 driven 42 reason 43 blow 44 translating

45 latest 46 pity 47 strict


48 an 49 decided 50 months’ 51 finally 52 Not

53 practising 54 first 55 stronger 56 but 57 on


58 A two-hour bus ride costs 10 plastic cups or 5bottles

59.The new buses are air-conditioned, comfortable and easy for elderly and disabled passengers to get on and off.

60. Yes.Because plastic can be made good use of and recycled. Besides, people are aware of importance of protecting the environment


An unforgettable experience

Due to the impact of COVID-19,we had taken online courses for a long time. In this special time,one thing had a deep influence on me.

As the constant use of the computer, so much entertainment news on the Internet can be easily seen. I found myself couldn't help reading various web pages just for fun not only in but also after class.However hard I had tried I failed to concentrate on my studies Depressed and disappointed,I blamed it on the Internet rather than myself . Realizing complaining made no sense,I adjusted my actions and turned to the teacher and parents whenever feeling difficult to control myself.It was with the help of my teachers and parents that I made great progress,concentrating on my studies.

The lesson I have drawn from this experience is that only by bravely facing problems and taking actions actively can we succeed.

